Two weekends ago, I was having one of the best mornings ever. The munchkin, three great friends, and I joined 10,000+ crazies for what really is the happiest 5k on the planet. For each kilometer, you get rained on with a different colored powder: yellow, orange, pink, blue, purple. (And, yes, the color is non-toxic.) By the end, you’re a veritable rainbow, but there’s more. Every 15 minutes for three hours the crowd of runners partying in front of the finale stage releases more color. I’ve never seen so many people be so damn happy all at once. It was priceless.
Check out more pics below and find a Color Run in your area. There’s absolutely no pressure to run. (There were toddlers and people on crutches doing the 5k!) The schedule is already out for 2013 and they’re even going to take a tour of Australia!

For more photos check out my friend Eva’s album here.
Photos: Jennifer Ortiz & Eva Rosales