Recently stumbled upon the beautiful blog, hearblack, which has absolutely GORGEOUS photography by the blog’s author. {Seriously, go look.} To boot, the blog is run by a young couple who lives in Hawaii and is obviously ridiculously, gag-me, smitten with one another. Oh, and they’ve got some great photos of recent Switzerland and Oregon trips that will make you drool. Photography and fabulous life aside, I was fascinated with these fantastic and simple bits of art I found on the site. So simple and lovely. This is a definite DIY project for all. So, while we can’t all live in Hawaii, madly in love with perfect photography and craft skills, we can have these frames.
images {via} hearblack
Category Archives: bit of beauty
{spaces: garden house}
I bet no one would have a problem getting up to go to work if they had a work space like this. This gorgeous little space is situated in an even more beautiful garden, all done up by interior designer Michael Trapp.
images {via} desire to inspire
{goodbye summer}
September is here and it’s goodbye to summer! Bikinis will shortly give way to sweaters, unless you live near me. It’s time to bake apple pie and consume pumpkin spice anything. Days will get shorter {and cooler if you’re lucky to live North.} Leaves will turn, and we’ll soon get to turn those clocks back. I’m most excited at this time of year, because after September comes October, which means Halloween. After that, it’s non-stop holiday in my home. I can’t wait!
For those of you who won’t be seeing the ocean for a few months, I’ve included the video above. It’s ridiculously soothing.{Perhaps, you can send me some cold weather in return?}
image by Olivia Graham
{worn & wonderful}
Painted white floors, flooded with light, and filled to the brim with antique glamour. It’s a wonderfully feminine space. Everything in the room looks a little worn and washed. I also love the idea of hanging a gorgeous dress as part of the room decor. It’s a little girl’s room, all grown-up.
images {via} 1st Option
I found this video on twitter, courtesy of Nate St. Pierre who described it as “achingly beautiful.” {Oh, how I love that term!}
Speaking of achingly beautiful, Nate runs this website that seeks to change the world with 15-minute {or less} a week assignments done by thousands of the site’s followers. Appropriately named, It Starts With Us is simply beautiful. Go, sign-up!
{btw} You can watch some more beautiful videos over at Routines.
If you are viewing this post via e-mail, click here to watch.
{cream & cotton underpinnings}
{the kids are alright}
Can you believe one of these pictures was taken by a 7 year old? No, that isn’t a typo. I did actually type the number seven with nothing before or after. In fact, all of these images were created by children, under the age of 14. Isn’t that extraordinary?
They are a few of the past leaders in the National Geographic Kids International Photography Contest. {You can see more on the NatGeo Kids galleries.} Imagine what would happen if we replaced the wii remotes with cameras or art supplies or cooking utensils. I think we underestimate what our kids are capable of, no?
{p.s.} Can you guess which one was the 7 year old?
All images from National Geographic Kids
{balloons & links}
It’s been far too long since I did a balloon post…
{a few lovely links}
+ a free simple cookbook
+ remember this? get the mirrored tiles here
+ rather fond of these entomology notebooks
+ francois rachez via lovely clusters
+ loving this dress found by i am a greedy girl
images {via} the cherry blossom girl
{bit of beauty: tell no one}
{bit of beauty: ave maria}
Tanya Dziahileva by Danil Golovkin in Ave Maria for Harper’s Bazaar Russia July ’10 {via} Fashion Gone Rogue