{everyday beautiful life}

I started this blog with the intention of sharing things that make life beautiful, because I believe that appreciating the common and uncommon beauty in our lives greatly improves our lives. I feel that, as of late, there is more beautiful fashion and editorial being posted here. I think there needs to be more balance and more of a focus on the ordinary and the unusual beauty, not defined by the fashion world. For beauty to really make an impact in our lives, we need to define what is beautiful for ourselves and see things in a new light. So, in the next few weeks, you’ll see increasing posts on everyday beauty and living beautifully, which I hope will become a regular series on this blog. If you are interested in guest posting or have suggestions, please feel free to e-mail bitsofbeauty@gmail.com or send me a tweet!

{p.s.} There will still be plenty of pretty pictures, fashion and editorial here.

Photo {via} ffffound


I had a beautiful day yesterday. Actually, I had a beautiful weekend…much needed after a downer of a week. Visited the Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens on Saturday. Somehow, I was able to snap some pictures with dog, munchkin, handbag, hand fan, and parasol in tow. {“What? Hand fan and parasol!” Yes, I frequently carry one or both. It’s Florida. 94 degrees in April. Pretty and sweet way to stay cool, no?}

Adriana w/ parasol

hand fan = stylish survival
I want one of these. Tiny mountain.

I followed that act by a mini shoe-shopping-spree (see post below). On Sunday morning, munchkin and I headed over to The Fresh Market to feed his Lorina addiction. I decided to beautify my day in the simplest way: with flowers. Picked up a tiny violet lollipop, some edible flowers and other deliciousness. Eating beautifully is such a simple pleasure, not enjoyed often enough. I’ll have to try harder!
Lola la preciosa
favorite things
Hope you had a beautiful weekend, too!

{other bits of beauty}
* Don’t these make you want to throw a party?
* It would be lovely to be like Dita. Champagne glass shimmy and all.
* Lucia Beccaria via Coco&Kelley. Yes, please.
* Violet rooms via A la parisienne
Two experts in cooking and eating beautifully: Canelle et Vanille and Chocolate & Zucchini

{bits of beauty everywhere}

a favorite sunset I got to watch last year

Finding things that are beautiful everyday. You have to decide to look for them; they won’t always jump up in your face. I guess that’s what this blog is going to be about. This is my place to share with you the bits of beauty I find. Maybe even things that just make life beautiful… So, if something ridiculous makes you laugh, to me that is beautiful and therefore qualifies. Or, if something is sad and provokes emotion, making you appreciate life a little bit more, well then that qualifies, too.

{shrapnel flying, soldier hit the dirt.}
*I’m random.
*I can be sporadic, but faithful.
*I’m a little bit nuts.
So, while there might be a storm of posts one day, there may not be anything for a few days. There will be some things that I know, only I will find funny or appealing, but I’ll take my chances.
I promise, I’ll do my best here.

Take a listen to this song. It’s one of my favorites and one of the reasons for the title {Bits of Beauty}. Enjoy!