{friday finds: chains of love}

You may recall that I gushed over Christian Cota’s use of delicate chains in his SS10 RTW collection a few weeks back. I also did a recap of nearly every show during NYFW over at the Little Pink Book. Cota and other designers added unexpected chain details to dresses and skirts that I could totally see translating onto the street. Well, it turns out you won’t have to swing a DIY or pay the big bucks for the look.

Chains of Love sells, well, chains. In this fab shop, you’ll find a leg chain exactly like the ones from the runway and chains that go on your shoulder like the one’s added to the perfectly ladylike Cota dresses. Perfect way to make anything in your closet new again!

Go ahead, say it… you know you love me.

{friday finds: extraordinary ordinary}

I must apologize for the irregular posting schedule today. It’s been more than hectic, but I wouldn’t leave you stranded! As you know, I’m a staunch supporter of what I call the “everyday beautiful.” I’ve found a few ordinary objects with extraordinary and beautiful design. It’s little luxuries like these that can make us feel special and indulgent without spending a fortune.

{Lace tape from boiler designs, $10}

{lace printed moleskin notebook from Cutie Pie Company $15.50}

{platinum floral printed notebook Oh Joy! $13.50}

{friday finds: nice}

I have a very serious crush on Nice, and I don’t mean the city. I love how girlish and crafty {in a good way} the products are. Two of my favorites? Well, look below sweet cheeks!

{As usual, click on the photos to see item in shop}

{friday finds: fernanimals}

These are so freakin’ adorable, I might just explode from cuteness. Every fernanimal is lovingly handmade by Ashley Anna Brown and stuff with organic cotton or a corn-based {eco-friendly} filler. They can also be put on a ribbon, per request, to be hung as an ornament.

Click on the polaroids to see items in shop. See more at her website or the fernanimals etsy shop.

{friday finds: kate moss for topshop}

I bought this one. I love the dip in the back and that if falls off the shoulder a bit. Got tons of compliments on it.

This so reminds me of Almost Famous. If I didn’t live in the tropics, I’d have bought this.

I ALMOST bought this. I’m too short. If I weren’t so curvy in the hips and thighs, it’d be a dress on me. For a taller girl, it could work over jeans or leggings. It’s very sexy on.

{friday finds: dolores petunia}

I have a new favorite Etsy shop: Dolores Petunia. It’s filled with hairpieces with blushers and big statement necklaces; basically the two accessories I’m always desperate to find. Below, a few of my favorites. Click on the image to visit the item in shop. Enjoy!