{goth was never so glam}

In case you needed a reason to slap on black lipstick and go hang out in a cemetery… Seriously, who the hell looks that good with black lipstick?


Dear Louise, please stop being so f-ing amazing. Thanks. – envious women everywhere

Photos {via} Pandora & Cherry Blossom Girl

{still seeing red…}

As previously established, I think the color that defines autumn is red. I’m itching for a red trenchcoat and to dye my hair red for a few months. {Desperately resisting the urge on both counts.} I’ve noticed I wear more red lipstick in fall, too. Then there are the apples that welcome Fall. Before the pumpkins appear, we see apples and their gorgeous red skins.

Photos: 1. Camila Akrans, 2. unknown, 3. {Bits of Beauty}

{building forts}

A few favorite forts from the Where the Wild Things Are fort building contest.

And of course, my favorite…

This was actually a practice run, but within a few hours of this construction, the munchkin was running a 102 fever. We were unable to construct his dream contest fort by the deadline, but will do it when he feels better just for fun.

You can see more at Booooooom and We Love You So.

{All photos from Booooooom, except the last which is by Ms. Jenn & the munchkin}