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{btw} Pearl Poodle is having an “Etsy Appreciation Day” starting Saturday 1/9 at 12:00 a.m. cst!
Kicking off our first everyday beautiful life post of the new year today! I’m happy to introduce Rachel of Lovely Clusters as our guest today. Lovely Clusters is a lovely place, indeed. I visit it daily and always find inspiration. Rachel gives us an exquisite post and something to think about as we are still making or pursuing our new years resolutions. Enjoy!
{Nature & Relaxation}
There is nothing more calming to me then being outside in a forest, even if I get a few mosquito bites. The clean air, the fresh smell and nothing to do but talk with friends and admire the greenery is fun and relaxing to me.
{Doing what I love}
I love designing whether it be an interior, business card, website, or crafting cards and journals. I love it all!
{Reading and Learning}
If there is something I don’t know too much about I will look it up or ask my husband. My husband is that guy who Googles everything if we cant think of something. It makes me happy when it comes up again and we know it already. Knowledge is power!
{Being with the people I love}
If you can be with the people who you trust, who treat you well and make you feel good about yourself I think you can live a very beautiful life.
Going outside of your normal routine can be so healthy and rejuvenating. Living on an island can feel monotonous at times and whenever I leave I notice how gratifying it can be. I usually want to be back though in about a week.
{Setting Goals}
Completing them brings me joy and a great feeling of accomplishment.
I hope this list puts a smile on your face. It’s nice to look at the things that make life beautiful in a bigger picture. I think I am going to make them be part of my New Years resolution. Cheers to 2010!!
– Rachel Follett from Lovely Clusters
Photo Source: SWAN clothing, stylemepretty, aimeelikestotakepics, liebemarlene, oxcar,
Photos: marcus pritzi, habitually chic, {this is glamorous}, all black phlox flats {via} anthropologie
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My friend Bea is getting married on her anniversary, valentine’s day weekend. I have the privilege of being one of her bridesmaids; and yes, we got dresses we liked. I was at her bridal shower a few days ago, where I snapped these lovely shots. I’m by no means a great photographer, but I think they aren’t too bad! Her shower was so pretty! Everything was done on mixed and matched floral china. Very vintage and afternoon tea in style. We each had to wear our favorite vintage accessory, a touch I loved. {I wore my verderocks cuff, since it is made of vintage materials!}
One of my favorite decor tidbits from the shower? All the hedges around the yard had pink roses stuck into them. It was very Alice in Wonderland.
It’s one of the girlier {is that even a word?} moments in the events leading up to the wedding.
You’ll be seeing some wedding posts in the next two months!
I think these pictures are so striking. Playful and bold, without a drop of color.
see more by aitken jolly here